Black Stage Productions brought out their Eurotruss SR40

It’s great to see parts of the world opening up and more is becoming possible in our industry. Last weekend was another great example of this, Black Stage Productions in Miami was responsible for the corona-proof production of Trillerfest at the Miami Marine Stadium.Black Stage Productions brought out their Eurotruss SR40 roof system, a total of six towers made the main roof of 18x12m (60x40ft), two towers were added along the front sides to create the PA wings and gained 4 meters (13 feet) on each side. To increase the load-bearing capacity on the rear end of the main rig span two extra dead legs were added. The construction was completed with 225m2 (2420 sqft) Eurotruss Stage Decks with telescopic legs which functioned as a solid stage.

About the SR40 roof

The SR40 Roof consists of an ST Ground Support on six TD35 Towers and a Roof Structure 0f ST Truss. The SR40 Roof is a tower-based structure with a saddle roof. This saddle roof has an impressive load-bearing ST Main Rig, and the gable has a fixed angle which enables you to re-build the roof in various dimensions. The standard SR40 ST Roofs are available in 20x14m, 18x14m, 16x12m, and 14x12m all on six TD35 Towers. The 20x14m and 18x14m roofs have an additional center back tower to enhance the load-bearing capacity and maintain the required clearance.Eurotruss, products you can count on, people you can trust!

Products you can count on, people you can trust!