Ballast-Safe is an innovative an clever solution to connect the roof construction to a steel scaffolding stage structure. The Ballast-Safe consist of a Base, a Bridge and two Support Beams. The Ballast-Safe gives the benefit of reducing the total required ballast by taking the self weight of the stage structure.
The stage construction must be a Steel Scaffolding Structure capable of taking horizontal and vertical loads. The Eurotruss Ballast-Safe is suitable to be integrated into a scaffolding structure. The support beams of the Ballast-Safe are equipped with steel wedge heads.
A Ballast-Safe integrated in a roof/ stage structure has the following advantages: Use the self weight of the stage construction to reduce the total required ballast. In a scaffolding stage structure, a levelled platform exists to build on the roof system. There is more »clearance« (distance between ground and main rig). More »free access space« between the cross wiring (sides and back wall) when the Ballast-Safe is placed in the upper area.
The Ballast Safe is an original Eurotruss concept and product which has proven itself during large in- and outdoor events, especially on Tours with Roof Systems and Steel Scaffolding Stage Structure.
The Ballast-Safe will be integrated in a steel scaffolding stage construction by replacing two of the standard horizontal ledgers by two Support Beams. Between the two support beams a Bridge is placed on which the Base can be mounted. All the parts of the Ballast-Safe must be bolted together. On the Base the female receivers must be mounted to attach the tower.